
stag night

fighting seasonal, xairo


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (110)

Advanced Intellectual (90)

Dire wolf
07-03-2024, 08:46 PM

In the distance, Xairo could hear the commotion, a sound of conflict that quickened his pulse. His eyes widened in their sockets and his ears pricked forwards, tuned into the indistinct noises. His heart pounded in his chest as he dashed towards the scene, his muscles straining against the cold.

As he rounded a bend, the vibrant colors of Dracun came into focus against the more muted toned backdrop of the taiga. His brother was locked in an unlikely scuffle with a massive reindeer, its antler intimidatingly sharp and threatening. A sudden surge of protectiveness filled Xairo, overriding his usual competition with Dracun. He had always felt competitive with his siblings, but seeing Dracun tossed so easily by the horned beast ignited a visceral need to defend. He let out a low growl that echoed in the sparse pines around them, his fur bristling as he positioned himself at his brother’s side.

"Back off," Xairo growled, fixating his piercing gaze on the reindeer. Despite the sheer size difference, Xairo stood his ground, every fibre of his being screaming defiance. The reindeer paused, its eyes darting between the two young creatures. It seemed to weigh its options, the frosty air crackling with tension. His emerald eyes glinted dangerously as he took a step forward, his own stubby horns lowered in challenge.

His heart pounded in his chest, not from fear but anticipation. He’d never backed down from a fight before, and he wasn’t about to start now. His muscles tightened like coiled springs, ready to leap into action at the slightest provocation. The reindeer seemed to lower its own rack, stomping its hooves as it telegraphed its next attack.

In a split second, the reindeer charged. But instead of fear gripping him, he was filled with an overwhelming surge of adrenaline. His eyes remained fixed on the massive creature, his senses heightened to an almost painful degree. He could hear the heavy hoof beats growing louder, feel the vibrations through the frozen ground beneath his paws, smell the raw, musty scent of the reindeer.

With a vigorous thrust of his clumsy hind legs, Xairo bounded to the side, and then launched himself at the reindeer, a snarl ripping from his throat. His body collided with the sturdy flank of the reindeer, and he clung on with a ferocity that belied his small stature. But damn it if he was going to let this go without a fight. His teeth sank into the reindeer's hide, the taste of sweat, fur, and thrumming hot blood filling his mouth. The reindeer let out a bellow of surprise and pain and bucked wildly to dislodge him. But Xairo clung on fiercely, his body swinging with each violent shake of the reindeer. His teeth bit into the musky fur, the world around him spun in a dizzying blur of color as he clung to the bucking creature- and it was only then did he began to think … maybe he over committed.

1030 / 1500 words
"Xairo Saxe"