
Generational similarities

Tamsyn ♡

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-05-2024, 12:24 AM

Ember gave a soft hum as she mulled over what her grandmother was telling her. Tamsyn was so open about everything without shame or embarrassment and it helped ease Ember's awkwardness away as she found the conversation more comfortable to have. Not that she thought her parents would give her any shame or grief if she talked to them about this stuff, but it was easier to tell anyone but your parents the weird way you felt around a hot brute or fae. But what blew her mind was when her grandmother began to explain that attraction did not always have to equate to romantic feelings or love. Em stared wide-eyed at Tam, her mouth hanging open in awe as her brain churned with the ideas. Yes, for some wolves, having that romantic connection was essential to attraction, but for others it could simply be lust that attracted them to another. Tamsyn even stated that she had been on both sides of the spectrum, of love and lust with both brutes and faes, and enjoyed it all very much! That shocked Ember! She stared at her Grammy Tam in disbelief, a cheeky grin slowly coming over her face as she realized her grandmother was much more risqué than she knew!

"Wow, Grandma! So it's okay for me to feel attraction and... desire for other wolves and... do things with them without needing to be all romantic with them or get into a whole relationship with them?" Tamsyn was opening all new doors and possibilities Ember had never been taught by her parents, and it was really getting the wheels turning in her hormone-addled adolescent brain. When Tamsyn explained that those were indeed the kinds of feelings and sensations she got when she was attracted to someone, Em knew she was on the right path then. If her Grammy Tam had felt these things and acted on them, then it would be okay for her as well, right? The thought of acting on her urges and instincts though... it made those anxious feelings start up in her belly again. As if reading her mind, Tamsyn began to explain exactly how she was feeling. That best kind of excitement and joy and calm combined into one. The idea of those feelings getting even stronger and better when she was with a wolf she loved deeply had the princess grinning like a giddy fool. She quite liked this whole attraction thing!

"So... it's okay to just explore these feelings and have fun with attraction? I can do it just for fun and not have to go into a whole relationship or be in love with them?" Ember looked to her grandmother again, oceanic blue eyes full of wonder at this new way of thinking and viewing sexuality Tamsyn had turned her on to. She had so many questions for the elder fae, it felt like she was getting a whole new sort of education on herself!

"Ember" | "Carpathian"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.