
As adults we will grow and maturity shows


12-13-2013, 06:17 PM
ooc//I am not really looking for a fight, simply because of the fact that I work tomorrow night and will be on full time after so I wouldn't have time to respond to a fight right now.

He was out today, looking for something that he wasn't really sure was out today. Most likely holed up in its den, but determination set in like the snow upon the ground. He wanted a particular piece of prey to bring back to Aeil, something he was sure she had yet to try. He adored how she loved to eat, it always brought a tickle to his side when she got excited about the prospect of a hunt. Today, he would seek out a small prize, albeit a challenging one. He sniffed around the ground, hoping to catch a scent. He felt he was close, however, his hopes began to fade when a rain drop fell on his nose. Glancing up, his read eyes caught the sight of heavy rain cloud, and before he knew it the rain began to fall.

Great...well, so much for that plan... Shaking his head, he'd make his way back towards Seracia. But not before he caught sight of someone not far from where he was standing. Curious, he would make his way over to the man. His pelt clinging to his large frame, scars prominent against the slick pelt. Large paws marked their way over, Dragon not the least bit afraid nor worried. He was a kind soul, never looking to harm another. He knew who was good and who was bad out of those he had already met, and he wondered what kind of person this was.

He'd come to a stop just about two yards from the stranger, eyeing the strange pelt of the male but saying nothing about it. He'd gaze at the strangers eyes, and he would keep calm though he remained on guard should something happen. "Hello stranger. I've not seen you about, you are new here I assume?"

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis