
Plot: It’s evening and you come across…

Finch II


Intermediate Healer (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
07-05-2024, 09:41 AM
"I call them as I see them." He seemed so confident with his decisive head nod that Finch, not an argumentative bone in her body when it came to matters that didn't include the healing arts, supposed she just had to agree. It was only polite. Perhaps she was pretty. The pale female straightened a little bit at the idea, squaring her shoulders and lifting her chin a centimeter. Pretty, pretty, pretty, she repeated on loop in her head. Wow. Well. He'd said it and had been sure of it, so now it was simply an immutable fact. She stowed this new knowledge away to reflect on later when she was alone.

When he mentioned his siblings, she tilted her head to the side and considered. There had been quite a few wolves with horns like his, and some with similar markings. That seemed to indicate he was part of a larger, established lineage like so many wolves were. They often shared distinguishing marks, just like the pale smudges beneath her eyes marked her a Destruction. Even if there were few of them now, she took pride in having a little piece of her family wherever she went. Did he? "Oh, yes... I think I saw more wolves who looked like you - the horns and the... well, they're not quite spots," Finch murmured, eyeing the speckling along his body. "Do you have a family name, Jiro?" Perhaps she'd recognize it.

She peeked over behind them at the imposing field of bamboo. It was so dense that she couldn't even see a way to enter. There was a really pack living there? Impressive. "Bamboo is an incredible plant, you know," she said enthusiastically, gaining a surprising amount of confidence in her voice. "It's nearly impossible to eradicate. You have to remove every trace of the plant down to the root... even if you burn it, it will grow back strong. And quickly, too. But for a bamboo thicket of that size and density, it must have been around for a very, very long time. Wonderful." Finch turned to admire it in truth, her eyes lit up with excitement. She almost didn't hear his question, she was so enraptured by the bamboo. "Oh! I'm from Boreas, just about the center of the continent. Avalon, is what we're called."

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1. Plot: It’s evening and you come across… The Runestones 06:53 AM, 06-21-2024 01:57 PM, 10-02-2024