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The Hallows

Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (175)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-05-2024, 03:52 PM

Rebel smirked and scoffed a little when Ember insisted that she never had days off with a quip about how a Carpathian always had to be ready to protect others. She knew that couldn't possibly be true. No one could possibly be on high alert and at the ready all the time. That was just a one way ticket to being burnt out. If that was really how Ember was then they needed to get this girl some relaxation stat. When Ember picked up her sword and said that her "opponent" had the misfortune of facing her with a wild grin Rebel both doubled down on the thought of getting Ember to relax sometime and was also got a glimpse of how hot the Carpathian princess was when she was battle ready. It was quite the contrast. Ember squared off with the training dummy again without hesitation and immediately launched into a barrage of blows to the already beat up dummy that proved why it was in the state it was. It was really a wonder the Hallows had any training dummies with all of these sword wielding wolves around.

Seeing Ember work with her sword was really impressive though and Rebel watched her effortless movements with curiosity and interest–while trying to be good and not let her gaze wander to her ass. It was obvious that Ember had been training with a sword since she was big enough to do so, but that wasn't all that surprising given that Artorias was her father. Art's sword work was legendary, after all. Rebel met Ember's gaze as she turned back toward her and asked if she had never used a sword and she followed the gesture she made down to the spare sparring sword that was laying in the grass beside her. "No, I've never had the chance," she admitted and glanced back at Ember with a grin when the offer was made for her to try a couple swings herself. "Yeah! I'll give it a go."

She bent down to pick up the sword then, slightly surprised by just how hefty the weapon was. She shifted the sword around between her teeth a couple of times as she got used to how it felt to hold it and finding a position that was comfortable. It was a weird feeling at first, but she got used to it pretty quickly. She gave it a couple of test swings, having to stop it from slipping out of her jaws the first couple of times until she figured how tightly she had to grip it. Now that she had that kind of figured out she stepped up to the tattered training dummy and made her first real swing, ending up hitting the lower part of the dummy's body instead of its neck like she was intending to. Even though it was poorly aimed and a bit awkward, there was a good bit of power behind it and the movement was still pretty smooth. She had never fought with weapons before, but it was pretty easy to fall into her familiar fighting stance and have a pretty good understanding of the distance between herself and her "opponent". "How do you make sure you're aiming at the right spot?" she questioned, her words a little muffled and distorted around the grip of the sword she was holding.

"Rebel Klein"