
Basilisk and Ignita litter!



Rapid Poster - Rainbow
07-05-2024, 11:16 AM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2024, 11:32 PM by Indie. Edited 9 times in total.)


Potential Names (I don't know, pick for me ^^;): Avani, Chanae (Shuh-nay), Chione (She-oh-nee), Sabini, Sentry, Vanari
Gender: Female
Size & Build: 32" | Light
Mutations: I don't anticipate her having mutations at this time.
Themed Mutation: I'm open to it. She doesn't have to have a mutation if someone else wants it- though if she were selected, she would likely have crystal retractable claws or something of the sort.
Appearance: This girl will have a a slender, light-build- standing at 32 inches tall. Her fur is predominantly a creamy white with light yellow and soft beige markings. She has intricate patterns of these colors that blend harmoniously across her body, giving her a delicate appearance. Her face is framed with a creamy white fur that highlights her striking pinkish-red eyes, adding a touch of vividness to her gentle palette. Her ears are lined with a soft beige hue, matching the lighter shades on her body. Her tail is bushy, predominantly creamy white with light yellow accents that seamlessly transition into her fur's overall coloration. The lightness of her build and the gentle colors of her fur give her an elegant and graceful look.


Skills; Intellect [???] & Navigating [???]


Subject to change as she develops. As a child, she will exhibit a captivating blend of curiosity, ambition, and inventiveness that hints at the remarkable individual she will become. Even at a young age, her drive to prove herself is evident. She constantly seeks out new challenges and takes great pride in her accomplishments, often pushing herself to be the best in everything she does. Her fierce loyalty manifests early, as she becomes a devoted friend and protector to those she cares about, although gaining her trust remains a significant challenge.

Her insatiable curiosity fuels her every move. She is always asking questions, exploring her surroundings, and tinkering with anything she can get her paws on. Her inventive spirit shines through in her ability to create simple yet ingenious solutions to everyday problems, often surprising those around her with her resourcefulness. However, her restless energy means she struggles to sit still or focus on one task for too long, frequently bouncing from one project to another.

Socially, this girl will be awkward and somewhat shy. She finds it challenging to navigate the complexities of social interactions and often feels out of place in larger groups. Her eagerness to please sometimes leads her to interrupt conversations or forget social niceties, which can cause misunderstandings. Despite these social struggles, she deeply craves acceptance and validation from her peers and mentors, driving her to seek out opportunities to prove her worth.

Her pride in her abilities can sometimes verge on vanity, and she is not immune to moments of frustration and volatility, particularly when she feels her efforts are not recognized or when she faces setbacks. Her emotions can be intense, leading to occasional outbursts of anger or disappointment. However, these moments are balanced by her inherent kindness and a genuine desire to do good for those she cares about.

Overall, her childhood will be characterized by a blend of ambition and creative drive. Her journey will likely involve learning to harness her curiosity and inventive nature, tempering her impulsive tendencies, and navigating the complexities of social interactions. As she grows, she will begin to understand the value of patience and consideration for others, setting the stage for the remarkable individual she is destined to become.


+ + + I'm all about that stat grind. Love to try and double master my guys as early as I can so I can focus on story oriented stuff as a yearling!

+ + + I would love for her to become renowned for something- I DON'T KNOW FOR WHAT yet. But a unique craft or skill that could become highly specialized for her. She is going to be super crafty, so, constantly seeking help from mom and dad to "fix" things and help her achieve her intended result ... however impossible they may be.

+ + + I don't know if it will be a self-discovery thing, or a diplomatic thing, but I think she is going to be drawn to learning about other "cultures" and their creations. So I could see her setting out to expose herself to stuff like that. Maybe it might be a little self-absorbed to think of it is as such, but maybe an outreach thing? Engineer for hire? xD I don't know. While she may not have diplomatic social graces, she will let her work ethic and creative drive do the speaking for her.

+ + + I'm thinking that arranged marriages aren't really the Fatalis style, but I wouldn't be opposed to her having a uhh ... mutually beneficial diplomatic relationship later on in life- it will honestly probably happen whether it is planned icly or not c:

+ + +

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