
Dance with the devil

Alaric vs Atreyu for dominance


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (305)

Beginner Hunter (0)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

4 Years
07-05-2024, 04:25 PM
Alaric felt his maws clamp down around the Achilles heel of the women but no long before she ripped it from his sharp maws. He spat out blood and could hear the sound of Maul being attacked, his orange gaze flickered over to see the cane corsos injured with a gash to the cheek. Alaric let out a snarl and refocused himself, he was enraged at the damage done to one of his hounds. Atreyu was still coming for him, her blade aiming for his leg again. He turned his body so he was now facing Atreyu head on. He could feel the sting of her blade as it left another shallow cut into his forearm, blood trickled down his leg and popped into the dirt . This time, Alaric would wait until she was close enough to raise his paw to the sky. He would aim and attempt to slam his front paw down forcefully on her head, down towards the ground and scraping his claws down her face and avoiding her eyes while he was at it.

Maul felt the fur and flesh give way to his maws and promptly spat it out. Maul would follow Atreyu, hot on her trail. The cane corso would charge her from behind this time, attempting to secure his maws on the lower back of the female wolf. He would attempt to maul the area viciously if he was successful in latching on.

Cinder had little time to react before Bigs had rolled onto his back and kicked up his bottom jaw. His fangs clashed violently and his tongue was bitten into. The slate colored cane corsos let out hell of pain. He raised a massive paw and attempted to pin down the little dog before it could run away from reach completely.

Alaric vs Atreyu for dominance
Round 3/3
Age: Over one year
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Companion 1: Cane Corso, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Cane Corso, Male - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: none

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1. Dance with the devil The Boneyard 12:44 PM, 06-28-2024 11:14 AM, 07-25-2024