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Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-06-2024, 01:01 AM

Ember, sweet and oblivious to the Klein girl's obvious attraction, missed the way Rebel's teal gaze wandered over her during her swordplay demonstration. She was far too invested in her sword fighting exercises to pay attention to her audience until she invited her over to come practice swinging a sword. When Rebel confirmed she had never used a sword before, Ember gestured to the second sparring sword with a wave, urging her to come join in on the fun! Em stepped back while Rebel entered the sparring ring and tested out the heft of the sword. The sparring swords were notably heavier than the edged weapons her family and the knights of the Hallows used. She didn't know the exact reasons why, just that they were. Her father likely had a better answer for that question.

Watching while Rebel adjusted and readjusted her grip on the sword's hilt until she found what was comfortable for her, Ember just sat back and quietly observed, waiting for the inevitable humorous first strike of an unfamiliar wielder. Rebel almost dropping the sword a couple of times got a few reflexive giggles from Em, but she quickly composed herself and smiled sweetly at Rebel to encourage her on. The first swing went very low, striking at the bottom part of the dummy's chest (which she was sure was not what Rebel had been aiming for) and leaving a decent bash in the mannequin's form. Not enough to rend the dummy open, but respectable for a first swing. When Rebel asked how she made sure she was aiming right, Ember couldn't resist the giggles this time and had to turn away to compose herself again before addressing the other fae's question. How her sire managed to keep from laughing when training them all was beyond her.

"You learn to treat the weapon as an extension of yourself. Your blade becomes a part of your attack, not just something you have in a fight," she explained, stepping up beside Rebel in front of the training dummy. Lifting her own sword to bring it in a slow arc demonstrating a swing aimed at the dummy's head. "The more you train and the more you get used to how the weapon moves with you, the more natural those movements become. Learning how to index where the edge of your blade is is one of the first lessons my father teaches all new swordswolves." Stepping back again to give Rebel all the room to move around, she waved a paw towards the battered dummy. "Try it again, but go slow. Don't think about how hard or fast you're swinging right now. Just get used to treating the sword like part of you, the same way you treat your paws when you're walking or moving. Feel where the edge of your blade is."

"Ember Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.