
go away



Raiders Hollow
The Modyguard

Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

2 Years
Extra large
07-05-2024, 07:44 PM
Kestrel had not expected to need saving from an oversized bird that had decided it was having a bad day. But every time he swiped at it, it just kept coming. The damn thing was almost three times his size, and if he’d given it some thought he might have stared clear. But it was just a damn bird! It shrieked at him again, and he managed to smack a paw across its oversized neck.

The damn neck just bounced back like it was made of rubber, and snapped at him again. Kes was about a moment away from losing his cool. He didn’t want to pick a fight with an oversized chicken, he just wanted to explore the territory. Somewhere along in the fight, the swampy area had fallen silent. Birds had scattered, giving space to the bird and wolf war being waged in the shallow waters.

Just when Kestrel thought he might have to make the humiliating choice of turning tail, his backup arrived. The wolf he recognised as being described as the Raid king shot into the area and went for the birds' tall and imposing looking feet.

While the Raid King did that, Kestrel lunged forward, trying to smack at the long thin neck of the overly aggressive pile of meat and feathers. If he could just grab it and keep it from pecking at them, the Raid King would be able to bring it down to their size with a well aimed strike at its legs.

WC: 251
Total: 792


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1. go away Avian Estuary 07:02 PM, 07-05-2024 12:29 AM, 07-09-2024