
cover your charming, long ears



Expert Fighter (155)

Expert Intellectual (200)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-06-2024, 06:11 AM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2024, 06:13 AM by Maki. Edited 1 time in total.)
Maki basked in his praise, like a lizard belly up in the sun, living its best life. And she was content, she'd made a friend, or at least it felt like she had, all close and connected-as if she'd known him forever. Maki wished she had, it would have been nice to have a friend when Mum had died, then the other left without a word. Like maybe Maki didn't matter to her the same way she thought she had.

"I'd really like to be your friend, Red." And there was no fanfare or dramatic lilt to her admission; not even just cause he was happy to listen to her stories, didn't huff or roll his eyes. Red listened and cared and-her heart was beating a little faster in her chest, like a chunky hummingbird too tubby to fly, but man was he trying and beating those wings as fast as he could!

She definitely seemed to perk up even more-HOW? Girl was practically giddy already-at the mention of him being a protector. Cause yeah! She could see that, all brave and strong, she wished she could fight like that sometimes, most of the spars and dominance matches she got into she'd sort of just…flailed her way to victory. Or defeat.

"Oh oh, I'd feel well safe under your protection, Red! And you're super good at tallkin', the words don't always come out like I want them to but you understand and I feel you, I do. " She sprung to her feet suddenly, tail straight in exclamation. "Like say a bear came runnin' outta the woods you'd be like- stand back Maki I got this! And you'd be like rAGH and hit it so hard it'd go cryin' back to it's Mumma!"
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