
Something to carry inside


12-13-2013, 08:52 PM

The wolf seemed not to object to the feline taking some of his bold pelt. A broad grin bared her enormous fangs as the tawny monster stood, slinking through the deep snow towards the wolf. Insane intent glimmered in her pale yellow optics, and thick muscles rippled with power as broad paws floated her massive frame over the frozen drifts. As she walked, thick, curving talons slid from their sheaths in preparation of the following task. As she stood before her quarry, thick puffs of fog escaped her nostrils like those of an angry bull. With a sly grin, the terror of the trees sidestepped to get a good glimpse of the wolf's flank. Such intricate, beautiful markings. Where should she slice away the fur? A chuff of thought broke her lips as large pools surveyed the choices. Should she slice away the fluffy white? Or some of the surrounding fur? Long tail swung back and forth as she pondered this, a purr of enjoyment at her current situation slipping from her lips. Finally, the Queen of the Redwoods would lift her massive paw and brace it against the lupine's flank as she sunk her teeth into the thick fur and tore away some solid grey fluff. Around her mouthful of soft down, she mumbled thanks to the wolf halfheartedly. Turning away from the canine as if it didn't exist, the beast trotted towards a familiar tree and leapt into the waiting branches. Here was her nest, where she had the pelts of her previous victims all spread out between the interlocking, forked branches. Dropping the fluff, she patted it into a crevice between some squirrel and chipmunk pelts before laying herself down. Curling up in her cozy bed, the woman dropped into the abyss of sleep.

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