
More than just a pretty face

Seasonal / Kai ♡


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
07-06-2024, 07:39 PM

Kaino curled up with Rogue, reveling in the sweet little strokes and pets that he bestowed upon her. Physical contact was also very much her way of communicating her care and so she touched him in turn, one paw stroking down the brutes dark chest. His comment about where to kiss him brought a husky little chuckle from the amaranthine fae and she leaned up to place a very chaste kiss upon his lips. Surely that hadn't been what he was intending, but he did say that she could choose.

Rogue surprised her with his next line of questioning. He really wanted to know her, did he? The bob-tailed woman scooted a little closer, shifting and wiggling til they were chest to chest, their limbs entwined with one another. "My favorite color is most assuredly blue," she spoke, humor in dulcet tones. "My favorite food? Hmm..." She thought about it for a moment, head tilting back and forth as she considered. "I enjoy roasted bison and sweet, honeyed carrots." The Saxe fae wiggled closer still, her nose dipping just under Rogue's jaw. "I quite like your smell. Woodsmoke and lilac are my favorites, I think."

After delivering a little kiss to his jawline, Kai pulled back enough for their eyes to meet. "I was raised to protect and serve the Saxe family. They're here in the north, so this is where I want to be. No real travel aspirations, unfortunately. Exciting of me, right?" Kaino's expression was serious; a change from her normal, mischievous features. "All that I really want in life is to keep my family safe, Rogue." She slid her cheek along his, resting her chin on his shoulder, mostly so that he couldn't see the emotion in her mismatched gaze. "I'd go to any lengths for them. I'd do anything. Things that might even frighten you away." That was the first hint that Kaino had given the galactic brute, hinting that she was more than just some sweet little fae.

"Kaino Saxe"

Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]