
A Flower Blooming In The Slums




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11 Years
Extra large
07-06-2024, 10:41 PM

Oh, how Moros was adoring this sexy morsel that had stumbled into his realm this night! Whoever she was, she was positively delightful, acting in all the lewd and lascivious ways a fae was meant to act for a brute. She growled and snarled in time with him, wiggling her body and grinding her hips back into his thrusting ones, giving all of herself over to him. She was visceral and primal and he loved it! Yes, he knew she was kin to him somehow just from her presence here alone, but that meant nothing to Moros. If anything, it actually turned the demented brute on even more! Knowing he was coupling with one that shared in his strong bloodline and seeing her so voracious and wild, it was like a pat on his own back for producing such exquisite descendants. He really should be thanking Alastor for producing such a lovely young bitch. His son had done well making her.

Moros reveled in seeing just how alike he and her were. His granddaughter, or perhaps even great-granddaughter (he had no way of knowing how long he had been in oblivion), was sublime! Moros' hind leg lifted to find purchase over her own, angling himself deeper with every stroke. He was like a beast consumed with single-minded determination to breed. Sharp claws dug into the soft flesh of her hips, his jaws squeezing tighter around her scruff to secure his hold on her while he dominated her wholly. He didn't even realize anything was changing, he was so lost in the release of lust she was providing him. It was all too good! Moros could feel the tightening of that coil in his core, the churning urge to explode in his end. But just as he began to pummel his hips into hers to prepare for his finish, Moros gave a mighty thrust forward—and face planted right into the darkness.

Head snapped up with an alarmed inhale, dark eyes snapping back and forth in the empty void. Where the hell had she gone?! The flame-marked bitch he'd been balls deep in was just... gone! No trace of her remained; no hint of her scent nor single hair was left behind. It was as if she had never existed. Left standing there in an awkward position with his arousal hanging between his thighs, Moros felt an incomprehensible rage swelling within him that erupted in a furious roar. NO! He had finally found his relief from this senseless abyss and she'd been stolen away from him in the height of his ecstasy! Cursing every god and deity that existed, Moros lashed out with fang and claw at nothing and everything all at once. He would find her again. And when he did, he would finish what they had started.

- end -


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1. A Flower Blooming In The Slums Somnium 07:32 PM, 06-09-2024 11:14 PM, 07-10-2024