
Scat cat, you're tail's on fire!

Seasonal ft. Mélisande



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
07-07-2024, 05:20 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2024, 06:56 PM by Atreyu. Edited 1 time in total.)
Oh, fly over me, evil angel;
Why can't I breathe, evil angel?

Bees hummed and wasps droned through the woods, birds chirped as they wheeled through the trees. Twitterpated with each other, they were oblivious to the dire woman in their midst. That is until what was quite possibly the loudest sneeze interrupted everyone's day. Atreyu excused herself in the following silence, feeling as though all eyes were suddenly on her. Keeping her pace, the feline-spotted woman ignored the feeling of being watched, deciding that it was only bugs and birds and she needn't worry. Another sneeze and Atreyu made up her mind about trying someone else's remedy. There wasn't a single cure in her mother's arsenal that truly treated seasonal allergies, despite the fact that Atreyu had struggled with them all of her life. She was just three months old when her first spring hit, and she sneezed the entire time. The coughing had followed, seasonal colds taking hold of her once small body.

Now, as she got older, she knew how to treat some symptoms but she had no cure for her allergies. Eventually, they would lead to a cold if she didn't get them sorted out. Atreyu needed to find someone who could help her. Not far off, the sound of waves lapping at the shore made it to Atreyu's black and pink ears. Following the sound, the spotted dire wolf was surprised by what she saw. A ring of stones, once again, but this ring had an inviting-looking pool in the center. Perhaps it was a healing spring, like back home with their hot springs.

She marched up to the water's edge, peering down to see if anything lived in the water. That would be the tell. A few crawdads and some minnows seemed to be all that lived in here, but that was enough for Atreyu. Wading into the water until her chest was covered, Atreyu waited and sneezed and waited some more. Maybe she had to drink the water for it to take effect, lapping at the water as she walked around in its shallows, Atreyu waited for something to happen. Maybe it was an act of desperation, Atreyu truly didn't care in that moment. These places seemed to hold a certain magic in them, though she could be reading the room wrong. Was there an herb nearby that she could eat to relieve this awful sneezing? Her nose was beginning to run.

It was the tell tale sign of an oncoming cold, her sinuses were congested for another spring. There was an itching tickle in the back of her throat that told her it was too late to prevent illness, she already had it. Atreyu moved to get out of the pool and dry off, shaking the water from her coat and deciding to do a little digging around to find something to help. Not finding anything, Atreyu lifted her muzzle skyward and let out a cry for help. It wasn't an emergency call, just one saying she needed assistance in finding medicine. Everything in her arsenal had failed.

Word count: 504 words. || Collectively: 504 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: Sorry it's so choppy, I suck at starters XDD

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.

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1. Scat cat, you're tail's on fire! Alabastrine Shrine 05:20 AM, 07-07-2024 11:14 AM, 07-25-2024