
Memory Reboot




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
07-07-2024, 01:06 PM

Avacyn hadn't been paying very close attention to Cerberus as she confessed to all of the feelings she had been wrestling with that had been too difficult to admit to those closest to her. Cerberus was a friend, but he was disconnected from he rest of her family enough that she felt safe confessing the things that might disappoint them to him. It wasn't until his paw caught her foreleg and forced her to stop that she blinked and looked up at him with a little confusion. She hadn't really expected more than a bit of sympathy and reassurance from him if she was lucky, maybe some ridicule and judgement if she wasn't, but instead he stopped their walk to get her full attention and when she looked up at him she saw a genuine interest and care in his expression.

He assured her that there was no shame in feeling the way she did and her ears flicked back uncertainly. Being in power, leading their family, being a mother, crossing all of the boxes of what it meant to be a successful Matriarch... All of that had seemed to come so easily to her mother and she had felt fated to walk that same path. Instead, she had struggled to step into the power that was given to her and she had to go down a path she really didn't want to follow in order to have a family because she had followed her heart instead of her logic and duty. She had been given every tool to be successful, but she chose to go against so many of the things that were expected of her. How was she not supposed to feel at least guilty about the choices she had made?

Still, when Cerberus gave her a grin and told her to keep trying she let out a slow sigh and returned his grin with one of her own. "I don't know about naturally, but... I know have to keep trying," she replied, still feeling uncertain but at least feeling a little bit of relief from finally getting to get her concerns off of her chest. She glanced down at the ground between them for a moment and there was a pause before she added, "I know I don't deserve friendship or acknowledgement from you or any of your siblings after what I did to Albion or after all of this with Scylla, but... I do really appreciate you listening. You're a good friend. They're lucky to have you."

"Avacyn Mendacium"