



Beginner Navigator (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

1 Year
Extra small
07-08-2024, 10:56 AM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2024, 10:56 AM by Elesin. Edited 1 time in total.)
Her nose filled with the scents of herbs, and the wind blowing uphill from her, meant that she was completely unaware of the approaching wolfdog until the cheerful, friendly yip-howl reached her ears. Head snapping up, her ears pricked in alertness at the figure zooming towards her, before flattening again. Instinctively, fur bristled along her spine at the sight of a stranger bounding towards her, and she skittered back several steps away from the wolfdog before fully processing. First off, that noise was a friendly one. It was meant to notify her of the other's approach, to prevent rude startling. Second... that wolf was not just a wolf. That dog was very, very distinctly sighthound, too. Sighthound genes were strong, and they made their mark on any dog that had their DNA in them. In this case, apparently... a wolf. Not something she had seen often, but something that she knew existed.

This was not a dangerous animal, though. This was an excited one. Very happy, very excited, and reminded Eleven of a couple of dogs she knew back home. And besides, she was also sighthound. She had always been more comfortable around those like her; they understood her so much better. Quietly, somewhat hesitantly, she stretched and returned the nose boop, sniffing lightly as she took in the other dog's scent. Wolfdog, Dog. Whatever. She was a part of a pack. She could smell the many many scents on her, that all jumbled together into one defining scent.

"Hello," she returned the greeting lightly, lightly wagging her own tail. "I did not expect to see one of my own." The comment was true, although it was a bit weird seeing the wolf and hound mix together. Even so, she considered those mixes to be one of her - a sighthound, because of how strongly those traits were. She did, however, take a couple of steps back after that. Not out of fear, but rather because.... she was tiny. This wolfdog was not tiny (although nowhere near the tallest of the wolves she has seen), and she did not want to cause a crick in her neck by staring up at close proximity.

"Speech" "You"