
It's bloody work, but someone's gotta do it




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
07-08-2024, 04:03 PM
Arcturus grinned a little and gave a kind of bashful chuckle when she said she loved an industrious man, still trying his best to play it cool as best as he could despite the sultry purr to her voice and the way she looked back at him over her shoulder. As clueless and out of practice as he was with this kind of game as he was, he could tell that she was obviously either insinuating something deeper than just checking out the pack's meat cellar. He wasn't sure what he had done to get this kind of attention, but he didn't have it in himself to tell her to stop or that he wasn't interested. He had been opened up to a whole new world with the ending of his previous relationship and he was finding that he quite enjoyed the attention it brought. He had never really felt desirable before his run in with Juniper and she had helped him turn around his whole way of thinking.

Scylla questioned whether or not others came in here very often besides himself as the pack's main hunter and he gave a little shrug, saying, "That's pretty true. Sometimes others come in here to get something to go with their dinner or restock the pack's main storage area, but... Mostly it's just me." The reason for her asking went entirely over his head until she suddenly turned toward him after he asked if he could help her with anything and she stepped closer to him, making him blink with surprise and tip his head down to look at her. Her paw reached up to cup his cheek and any conscious thought he had was zapped from his head all at once, barely registering her mention of having an 'itch' that needed scratching and her questioning whether he was up for the task or not. That combined with her previous question regarding the privacy of the cellar all clicked together and if he hadn't already been blown away by her bold and forward approach he certainly was now.

"I... I think I could help you with that," he finally managed to rumble quietly after a moment of his thoughts spinning at a hundred miles an hour. His paw lifted with a bit of uncertainty before he internally scolded himself. He had wanted nothing more than to be wanted and to finally enjoy all of the pleasures that had been held just out of reach for so long and now it was being handed to him on a silver platter. If he really wanted to take advantage of this freedom then he had to let himself take advantage of it, damn it. The uncertainty and shock in his expression eventually faded to a renewed determination and a fledgling confidence as his large paw slipped around her waist and pulled her body up against his own. She was so small that it was easy to lift her nearly off the ground with just one foreleg and keep her lithe body tight to broad planes of his own.

Quietly, he shifted to lean back against the cellar of the den, propping himself up in a sitting position that kept him reclined enough to hold Scylla in his lap. His paws roamed down her back, over her hips, and across her thighs, acquainting himself with her body with a curious, adventurous, admiring touch. One of his paws shifted a little lower to roam over her ass and caught her tail, letting the long, flowing strands of fur flow over his paw as he pulled his paw back again, glancing down and watching them fall across his paw pads for a moment. "You're very beautiful, Scylla," he rumbled with a little grin, giving her hips a playful squeeze. "Do you want me to 'scratch your itch' any way in particular, my Sovereign?"

"Arcturus Indarra"