
What Lurks in the Shadows?


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

07-08-2024, 07:27 PM

The warmth of his promise enveloped her, chasing away the chill that had settled on her young bones. Sericea leaned into Setekh's touch, a hopeful spark kindling in her eyes. "I trust you, Grandfather," she affirmed with a softness that belied the strength burgeoning within. She was eager to prove her worth, to harness the power she knew hid latent within her slender frame. "I am ready to learn.” She held her anxious breath, her green eyes searching Setekh's for any sign of hesitation or withdrawal. But all she saw was molten determination, an unyielding promise that steeled her resolve.

At the mention of regular meetings, a thrill rushed through her veins, sharp as the crisp air around them. "Yes, Grandfather, every three days," she echoed, the words imbuing her with a sense of purpose and destiny. Shrouded by Setekh's shadow, she made a silent vow to commit herself to this new path, her mind already reeling with the endless possibilities. But of course, a thought struck her. Wouldn’t her mother notice? That wouldn’t be good if she needed to keep a secret. “How will our meetings be a secret?” She asked lightly, her gaze flicking uncertainly back towards the heart of the territory her sister had likely fled too.

His words were like echoes in her mind, both chilling and reassuring. "I understand," she murmured, a hint of steel creeping into her voice. "I am ready- ready to grow strong.” The words sounded foreign on her tongue, but there was a ring of truth to them that emboldened her. "I will not disappoint you." she affirmed with unwavering conviction, her acidic green eyes locked into his molten gaze. There was fear there, yes, a wary flicker of a fawn stepping onto unsteady ground. But beneath it thrummed an undercurrent of determination. Perhaps even excitement. A new chapter was dawning, her future suddenly awash with unknown potential.

"Sericea Praetor-Inferos"