
Beneath the summer stars




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
07-09-2024, 07:33 AM
Akito’s body freezes, muscles tightening for a moment when Clove leans forward to brush her cheek along his chest. Such gestures were new to him, but he attempted to not be so awkward. Relaxing after a moment, he leans his muzzle down to press his nose to the top of her head.

“I’ve been meaning to visit more,” he says instead of what his brain told him to say. Which by the way had been you’re welcome, but if he had taken any notes from his parents, that would have been the incorrect thing to say. And with her curled up against his chest, looking at peaceful as she did, he didn’t want to ruin the moment. This was the closest to romantic as he’d ever been.

As she speaks, his breath stops with anticipation. Honest about what? Looking up to stare at the stars as he lets her snuggle into his chest, he slowly lifts a paw to wrap around her shoulders, holding her gently against him. What she says is true and he feels the same way. He also feels ashamed for not visiting more, but he does have his reasons. Her question about home had hit the nail on the head.

“Turbulent,” he speaks softly, nose still hovering close now to her ear so that she could hear him. “Both my father and mother have gone. I am the only one of my litter that remains. Hattori, our leader, his wife has disappeared as well along with some of their offspring,” this was perhaps the most he’s ever spoken in one go and he can feel the strain, but she deserved to know. “I’ve been busy helping raise the pups and keeping Tojo-Kai safe,” Akito sighs, muzzle lifting so that he can look up at the stars above.

“Whenever I would try to slip away, something came up,” his nose wrinkles, frustrated that he felt this way. He wanted to see more of Clove, but he had a duty to uphold, and he was sure she had her own obligations. With so many threats out in the world, he found it hard to ever escape.

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.