
the search for legends



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (225)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
07-09-2024, 01:20 PM

Ellara Praetor

Ellara's paws sank softly into the riverbank, the cool mud squelching between her toes as she ventured out with her brother. The sun cast a golden hue over Cedar Falls, where the river tumbled down the rock face, its gentle hush a soothing melody. The air was rich with the delicious scent of evergreen and cedar wood, the trees standing sentinel around the falls, their branches swaying gently in the breeze.

As her brother moved beside her, she found his protective presence a comforting shadow. They were on a quest for treasures as they had done many times in their youth, the river's edge promising hidden gems and legends untold. The salmon were beginning their arduous journey upstream, their silvery bodies gleaming as they leapt through the sparkling water, a sight that filled Ellara with awe.

Ellara's keen eyes scanned the ground, seeking out the glint of a polished stone or the unique curve of a shell. The river offered its bounty generously, and she delighted in each discovery. A perfectly smooth pebble, a piece of driftwood twisted into an intriguing shape, a feather with the iridescent sheen of a kingfisher – these were the treasures she sought.

As they wandered, the sounds of the forest enveloped them. Birds sang from their cedar perches, and the occasional rustle of leaves betrayed the presence of deer grazing nearby. The serenity of the moment was interrupted only by the occasional roar of a bear in the distance, a reminder of the wild world they inhabited. Her ears would twitch at such sounds, her muscles tensing momentarily before relaxing when she deemed there was no immediate threat.

Ellara found herself lost in the beauty of their surroundings, the poetic rhythm of the river's flow, the vibrant life teeming in every corner of Cedar Falls. She glanced at her brother, his silhouette strong and reassuring against the backdrop of the cascading water. With him, she shared a bond deeper than blood, a silent understanding that spoke volumes as they moved together in harmony.

Ellara "Ella" Praetor