
Memory Reboot



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-09-2024, 04:32 PM
He could tell, and was glad that Avacyn could feel trusted in him. As much as Albion and Scylla were everything to him, that didn't mean he didn't care about anyone else. He wasn't sure if there would ever be a day he would find more priority over them, but he still hoped that others like Avacyn could find him as that safe space.

He could still understand, that Scylla's, or Saracyn's kids may not have felt so naturally her's even over time. But he hoped that caring for them every day like her own would help that. He did after all see all of Chimera's wives as his mothers in their own way. Siren was who mostly raised him, but he believed them all to be just this big happy family. That may have been overshadowed and maybe he was naive but all of his siblings had a special place in his heart regardless. He was too kind for his own good.

It seemed they both knew the answer of what would happen next, but Cerberus didn't want to jump to any conclusions. The idea that Scylla would shun him for being away for so long or while she had gone through this so unexpected experience in life didn't really seem possible to him. But it was in the back of his mind. "I don't want this to be goodbye, Ava." He spoke genuinely. As much as he was tied to them there would be no deception. He'd always be true to her as she had been to him. "I will see you again soon." He promised, not wanting to leave anything on such a bad note. He would return to her with his answer. But there only seemed to be one way. At least that's what he saw.

"Cerberus Kline"