
too bad there aren't any cliffs here

xina bo bina


The Syndicate

Intermediate Hunter (55)

Intermediate Navigator (55)

Extra large
07-09-2024, 06:34 PM

In the terms of being a wolf, Maelstrom could begin to grasp why they would want to occupy this territory. While it is cold, colder than the sound, it provides ample resources they could utilize for survival. From the scent he nosed at at the border, it was obvious the Syndicate held many wolves. Caring so many, with so many puppies as well, there was a need for meat, for supplies, for everything. He doesn't quite grasp it yet, but it's slowly coming to him. The more he explores the pines, winding through and around the spindly trunks, the bigger picture begins to reveal itself.

His eyes are set on a thick, long branch that would make for a sturdy pole to support the smaller branches that would make up the roof of his temporary shelter. Reaching out to grab it off of the ground, the sound of paws squishing against pine and mud covered ground catch his attention. Whirling quickly on his paws, hackles raised and teeth flashing in case its a predator, his eyes are quick to widen. His ears barely catch her words as the stick she holds comes swinging in his direction.

A yelp of surprise leaves Maelstrom as he hops backward, feeling the whizz of air brush through his chest fur as the stick barely misses him. Once he's recovered with a couple of breath, he glares daggers in the fiery girl's direction. "Watch where you're swinging that," he snaps, teeth clacking together before he turns back around to continue his quest. Picking up the long branch he had previously set his eyes on, Maelstrom begins to drag it back to the drier patch of earth not far off. One glance is shot in her direction as he passes by, a low grumble in his throat.


2/3 explore new land - sparse pines
2/3 crafted a temporary shelter