
Whispering in the trails of unhallowed things


The Hallows
Expert Physician

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An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
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Critical Fail!
07-09-2024, 07:12 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2024, 07:12 PM by Ellara. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ellara Praetor

Ellara Praetor stepped lightly into The Red Forest, the towering redwoods stretching skyward like ancient guardians. Having just visited the bustling Armada market, the transition from the vibrant, noisy atmosphere to this quiet, almost sacred, woodland was stark. She paused at the forest's edge, letting the serene silence envelop her, a stark contrast to the lively chatter and haggling of the market.

The redwoods were colossal, their mighty trunks ranging from massive to mind-blowing in girth. Ellara marveled at their grandeur, feeling a sense of humility and awe in their presence. These trees had stood here for centuries, growing undisturbed by the hands of time or the interference of wolves. Their bark was rough and fibrous, a testament to the ages they had weathered.

As she ventured deeper into the forest, Ellara noted the undergrowth and smaller trees that dotted the forest floor, dwarfed by the giants above. The canopy was so dense that only sparse shafts of sunlight penetrated, casting dappled patterns on the ground. The dim light created an intimate, almost mystical atmosphere, where every step felt like a journey into another world.

The ground beneath her paws was carpeted with fallen leaves and moss, deadening her footsteps and adding to the profound quiet of the forest. Ellara moved with a healer's grace, her latte-pink and coffee-brown coat blending harmoniously with the natural hues of the forest. Her striking pink eyes scanned her surroundings, taking in the details of this untouched wilderness.

Ellara paused by a particularly massive redwood, its trunk so wide that it would take several wolves holding paws to encircle it. She placed a paw on the bark, feeling the rough texture beneath her pads. The tree seemed to hum with a life force all its own, a silent witness to the ages.

Continuing her exploration, Ellara came across a small clearing where the sunlight broke through the canopy, illuminating a patch of vibrant green moss. She sat down, taking a moment to rest and absorb the tranquil beauty around her. The silence was profound, broken only by the occasional distant call of a bird or the soft rustle of leaves.

In this quiet, dark, and intimate landscape, Ellara felt a deep connection to the natural world. The Red Forest, with its ancient trees and serene atmosphere, was a place of reflection and peace. She knew she would return here often, finding solace and inspiration among the towering redwoods and the silent whispers of the forest.

As Ellara sat in the small clearing, basking in the serenity, she was startled by a sudden rustling in the underbrush. Her ears perked up, and she stood, muscles tensed, ready for whatever might emerge. To her surprise, a large, irate elk burst through the foliage, its eyes wild and nostrils flaring. The elk snorted loudly, pawing the ground with its powerful hooves, clearly agitated and intent on driving Ellara out of its territory.

Ellara's heart raced as she assessed the situation. She was used to being the hunter, not the hunted, and this unexpected confrontation with an angry herbivore caught her off guard. The elk, with its massive antlers and sheer size, was a formidable opponent. It lowered its head, antlers gleaming in the dim light, and charged at her with surprising speed and agility.

Ellara leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the elk's antlers. She quickly realized that fighting this non-predator was vastly different from her usual combat. The elk's strength and size gave it a significant advantage, and its anger made it relentless. She needed a plan, and fast.

She quickly scanned the area, noting the dense underbrush and towering redwoods. An idea formed in her mind. Ellara darted into the forest, the elk hot on her heels. She weaved between the giant redwoods, using their massive trunks as cover. The elk followed, but its size made it less maneuverable in the tight spaces. Ellara used this to her advantage, leading the elk on a winding path through the trees, tiring it out and buying herself time to devise her next move.

[Spring Y21, Seasonal Prompt: Fighting. Word Count: 676.]
Ellara "Ella" Praetor

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1. Whispering in the trails of unhallowed things The Red Forest 07:12 PM, 07-09-2024 05:59 AM, 08-21-2024