
writhing, wriggly, glowing worms

Rannoch - nav seasonal



Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Navigator (80)

1 Year
Extra large
07-09-2024, 08:23 PM

After her return from Auster, Lumine found herself enjoying the spring air that began to waft across Boreas. With the snow melt from the slopes of the mountain, her adventures around the surrounding territories were mighty easier. No ice to be wary of. No sleeping grizzlies hiding in the shadows of caves. It was those exact caves that she felt determined to explore that day.

Setting out during the early rays of dawn, she delighted in the way her paws made a soft squish noise against the damp grass rather than a solid crunch over ice. Her nose tilts up slightly as she inhales deeply the fresh scents of churned soil, decaying leaf litter, and various animals awakening. Embracing the warmth of the sun on a surprisingly cloudless day, she follows a path less shaded than the rest. Her fur warms nicely as she draws closer to the mines that are nestled on the northeast side of Fenrir's Maw. While their shafts delve deep into the inner workings of the mountain and the earth itself, Hemlock did not claim them as their own. Wolves and animals of all kinds were free to roam through as they pleased, but only if they dared to risk their lives.

Standing at the entrance, narrowing her eyes to peer into the dimness of the mineshaft, she can pick up the faint sounds of stone shifting and rocks falling down into deep crevices. Most of the shafts should still be stable. Lumine tells herself as she takes a deep breath to push forth her courage. As she takes her first few steps into the wide and tall tunnel that is supported by thick wooden beams, her attention is soon grabbed the sound of trickling water.

Not far into the shaft, a room diverges from the main hallway. Once through the opening, the cavern opens up to something much larger with water trickling down its rocky walls. A pool toward the back hosts a bushel of vegetation that doesn't quite surprises her, but she does wonder how it survives without much light. The only source truly came from the shaft behind her so surely during the winter it would be rather dark.

As she steps forward, muzzle lowering toward the ground to inspect the plants, she notices how the ground begins to wiggle. As if there were at least a hundred worms writhing around in the dirt, attempting to churn it into something more palpable for their tastes. Moving closer, her head suddenly wrenches back as she realizes that there were indeed a lot of worms surrounding the pool of water and dispersed throughout the vegetation.

Enraptured by the phenomenon, Lumine finds herself frozen in place. Was it a conjuring of worms done by some animal? And were some of them glowing!? Surely there was a reason for this peculiar finding...

Lumine Trygg

table coding by bunni ♥

wc: 477

Thread Move Log
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1. writhing, wriggly, glowing worms Northern Mines 08:23 PM, 07-09-2024 06:28 PM, 08-15-2024