
The Call of The Sea is Not One I Answer


12-14-2013, 01:15 PM

[Image: tumblr_mxi2k6NlwP1sh0juuo1_400.png]

Bhaire lounged in the shade of a palm tree, the picture of ease. Even if the mainland was trapped ever yet in the jaws of winter, the island air was fair and pleasant. The smell of the sea was lulling his mind into a state of ease. Bugs buzzed near his ears and he snapped lazily at them. In his opinion, it was not yet a day for action. Of the sound of the waves rolling onto the beach, he could not hear the soft footfalls on the sand, and had no prelude to the pale female stalking into his field of vision. His ears perked, the bugs forgotten. He could not hear her footfalls, but the whine she let out was not beyond him.

Bhaire stood, sure that he had been fairly well camouflaged before. He didn't want to startle the fae, but he could not just let her pass without attempting to assist her. What was wrong with her? He saw her staring into the brush farther down the beach, seeming distracted now as well. Bhaire stepped into the sunlight and cleared his throat. "Excuse me, miss," he said. "I couldn't help but notice you seem a bit distracted. Is something wrong?" He maintained respectful distance, of course. He'd hate for the female to feel threatened. Of course the closer he drew the more apparent it became that she was quite a bit taller than he, and he wondered if perhaps he could be the one in danger.