
So you're what all the fuss is about


Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-10-2024, 03:16 AM

The tension of imminent combat built, and Ember did not miss the way Absinth's eyes roamed over her body when she stripped of her cloak, the sensation and knowledge of Absinth devouring her with her gaze making the younger fae feel both bashful and sexy simultaneously. Her opponent's growled out seductions were a luscious cherry atop this sultry cake, and with that final tease, they began. Though she may have been a novice in the carnal arts of passion and pleasure, Ember was a learned expert when it came to the martial arts. She'd spent her whole life fighting and wrestling with her siblings, studying under the tutelage of her sire the infamous swordsman, and testing her mettle against friends and foes alike. Ember's footwork was swift and sure, despite the snowy terrain. She was upon Absi in no time, both faes colliding their bodies together with unstoppable force.

Although they were evenly matched in size, Absinth's body was sturdier with more defined muscles beneath her coat, which Ember couldn't help but notice was incredibly soft to the touch. It took more strength to match her opponent's force as they collided, Em focusing on not letting herself get pushed off balance. Ember's strikes were true, rewarded with the feel of soft flesh and fur in her jaws and beneath her claws. But in the fury of fang and claw, Absinth was quick to respond. In such close quarters, Ember had no opportunity to dodge or counter as Absinth's own jaws snapped down around her nape, scruffing her like a mother to an obstinate pup. Ember snarled against the pain as fangs dug into her neck, fighting to push her weight forward when she felt Absinth begin to use her weight against her, but it was no use. Absinth had both an age and weight advantage on the adolescent fae, and with a bit more struggle, Ember was thrown from her paws to the snowy ground.

Ember's back hit the snow with a grunt, sending powdery white exploding around them. The Carpathian marveled at her opponent's strength and resourcefulness, using her own attack to get her close and off balance. Em didn't have long to reflect on what had happened though. The monochrome she-wolf was already upon the midnight yearling, pressing her attack. Ember had no space to get up, so she had to make the space herself. Fangs bared in a vicious snarl, Ember kicked her hind legs up, aiming to catch Absi in the stomach or underneath her ribs so she could push her back enough to get to her paws. With a strong enough kick, Ember was able to buy herself enough space to slide back and roll to her paws again, her coat damp and dusted with snow, but she was still in the fight. Oceanic eyes blazed with a daring fire, challenging Absi to come at her now. Em's muscles were tensed, her reflexes sharp and enhanced eyes laser focused on her opponent's every move.

"Ember Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.