
no matter where you go, there you are

island hoppin'~! pt 1



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Advanced Navigator (85)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
07-10-2024, 08:49 AM

The swim from Boreas' shore had been more taxing than she'd anticipated... but now that she stood here on the silvery, sandy shores and her body felt wonderfully sore and depleted, her island adventure could begin. Makara shook out her coat thoroughly, although it still stuck out in strange and unpredictable ways from the saltwater. Her goggles were dotted with water but she was hesitant to take them off and let them dry, as the sun was mercilessly bright out here. No matter, it could wait.

She stretched long and low to the ground, then took off at a trot to inspect her surroundings. It was, she estimated, about a quarter mile off of the shore and rather secluded. Rich scents of spring-ripened fruit and small, furry, edible things tempted her from the thick tropical foliage that bordered the beach. Most of the plants were typical of these sorts of areas - she'd seen many, now, in her travels. Nothing too special. No trace of those who had come before them. Just your average, untouched, beautiful, tropical island. Boring.

Well, that wasn't to say there wasn't more hiding in the undergrowth. Those creatures that had inhabited these lands long ago were tricksy ones and often had shelters where she'd least expect them. As such, she usually spent more than a day or two the first time she explored a new area - and this time would be no different. She sighed and dug her toes deeper into the sand. Her leather booties were carefully stowed in the pack that she wore, ready to be tugged on when she needed to dive into the grasses and trees, but there were plenty of materials scattered along the beach to create some shade. It was unseasonably warm and she'd need to hide from the sun for a few hours until it began to set, lest she risk a painful sunburn. Being albino did not have its perks. She set off along the shore and began gathering fallen banana leaves. They were a brilliant green color and quite sturdy. It wouldn't be her first time using them for shade in a place like this!
