
no matter where you go, there you are

island hoppin'~! pt 1



Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Navigator (80)

1 Year
Extra large
07-11-2024, 10:24 AM

Emotions fueled Lumine's body west from Fenrir's Maw. Blurry eyes laden with tears barely saw the landscape around her until her paws splashed into frigid waters. A yelp of surprise escapes her as she pulls back, blinking away everything that she had been feeling in the last day. Arrange for marriage!? How could he! Her head screamed at her over and over that the gods were no longer smiling down upon her. Nor were they even real. No true god would ruin her life to such an extent.

Wishing, hoping, desperate to get as far away from Boreas as possible, Lumine pushes forward. Her legs, exhausted, carry her through the choppy waves until she's once more on somewhat dry land. The tide is out revealing darkened packed sand that's easier to walk on as she trudges up the beach. With labored breath, she continues on until the ground around her changes from pale, sparkling sand to dense undergrowth that pulls and tugs at her fur. Frustration seeps from her pores as she rips her appendages away, tufts left behind, clinging to poky sticks and dangerous thorns.

The scent here is overwhelmingly sweet similar to the mead she's snuck a few times from the stores. Her shifting eyes from icy blue to warm gold finally take in the sights. She slows down, turning to look over her shoulder, realizing she hasn't gone very far after all, but the island will do for now. It will have to. She's too tired to go much farther.

Weaving through the brush and ducking under low hanging vines, Lumine is surprised when a fresh scent of wolf smacks her in the face. Someone else was here right now. At first, she's on guard, fur bristling, muscles tensing until she spots the albino figure not far off, just on the other side of the trees where she stood now. Approaching cautiously, Lumine watches the stranger gather banana leaves which immediately piques her curiosity. What were they planning on doing with them?

Releasing an alerting bark that carries tired, but friendly tones, Lumine finishes her approach with a slight cant of her head. "I apologize if I'm intruding," she begins, soft baritones speaking volumes of her ingrained politeness. "Care for some company? I can help with whatever you're doing," Lumine offers before she leans down to grab a banana leaf and extend out as a sort of peace offering.

Lumine Trygg

table coding by bunni ♥