
The Other Brother




Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Blessed Blessed

3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - BisexualHomebodyStudentSamhain 2022
07-13-2024, 09:20 PM

Was it... what Albion said was true? Surely she wouldn't have expected any other answer but him to agree that her own blood was strong just like his was. There was no doubt. Her amused expression faded slightly for a quick few seconds, giving what he had really offered a second of thought. Did she want a knight... it wasn't an easy answer. She could have easily said Stolas was it, but every time she thought of him her heart turned to stone. She disassociated. She felt absolutely terrible. She wouldn't right now, she couldn't. Not with Albion playing into her game, or at least the small affections she pushed towards him.

Her soft smile turned up again though, Albion mentioning that he and Avacyn weren't paired anymore. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him, sure. But it opened up her mind to the other possibilities if only for the night. Could she be the better sister... her sober mind would be sick to the thought. But her deep desires and hidden insecurities far outweighed that especially with the affects of the alcohol. She couldn't be herself.

If Albion could see himself, he was being quite alluring. Saying all the right things one would say. He was certainly poking a beast that was well hidden inside the shell she had become. But she would still show him that bit of fiery, aching desire that was incredibly prominent when the situation arose. "Anything I want then, hmm?" He was playing into her game, it seemed most of them did. With the alcohol it seemed easy. It did have her wondering how Albi would feel were they completely sober and not feeling so closed emotionally. The reason for the drinking that was. Her dark eyes glanced down his nose to lips, not lingering too long but long enough to give him the hint of what she was thinking had he any sense. Flicking back up to his light sky optics, maybe giving him the moment to think if he was at all. She barely had any impulse control at this point, and before she could even second guess the way he was reacting with her she was moving forward to seek her lips onto his. As she always did, slow testing the waters. There was an unknown fear of rejection that was buried in the layers of all her problems, it just hadn't had the opportunity to shine. And Albi was giving her all the reason to push forward with all her dark, skewed urges.


Fiametta is an !M rated! character for highly Sexual themes. Please Discord me if you have concerns and please read at your own risk.