
Scat cat, you're tail's on fire!

Seasonal ft. Mélisande



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
07-11-2024, 12:39 AM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2024, 12:40 AM by Mélisande. Edited 2 times in total.)

a free wolf, she took time to visit new places and scenery. midday was fresh, cloudy and low in humidity. a 'cleaner than most' day- she took advantage and set out to scout the hidden gems here. herbs always got her excited. and soon, her stash was great; too many to hold on her body so she made densites large enough to keep her treasures safe & warm. it often smelt of lavender and chamomile- one of her favorite teas. she carried her herbal collection everywhere she went, bringing it along in a larger pouch she made back in Polaris; collecting until she found a new pack to call home. as she imagined the many shelfs-, clean and in alphabetical order for her convenience, skimming through for the precise ingredients she'd use to make her hearts desire. brewing teas and making colorful elixirs, she aspired to make magical substances and induce change in a positive way. truly, mélisande was a progressing alchemist.
in the midst of day, the red wolf trotted lightly above the warm terrain. she swiveled through thickets to find the underground lake.. but her ears notify her of someone present-, the sound of consistent sneezing drawing her attention. instinctively, the tiny Mélisande paced herself, slowing down to cautiously emerge from the shrubs. her red eyes, previously narrowed with uncertainty, relaxed and softened on the looks of her made acquaintance: atreyu.
quickly, she strode forward then. her tail nub wagging with delight as a smile came over her beautiful features. "What a pleasure it is to find you again!" she closed the distance, standing by the damp wolf. tilting her head for a brief moment, her eyes scanned over the wolf, causing her ears to fall flat & brows to press forward. "Oh no.. are you alright? Was that you sneezing?.." concern flooded her features as she drew her lithe body into a slow sit.
allergies were the highlight of any spring season and when it strikes, it was tough. luckily, mélisande never had issues with this or any allergies for that matter. but it didn't mean her friends didn't. it created within her a sense of sympathy for atreyu. she'd need goldenrod or any antihistamine really. but where to find it and was this a correct diagnosis? more questions were due. "You're all wet. tsk, tsk.. that isn't ideal for you right now. where is bigs?" she paused, red eyes scanning around before returning back to the pink wolf. was arteyu attempting to soak in the spring water to 'heal'? a giggle was thus brought forth, bubbling out. "The water is lit by bioluminescent algae." she assured the other, amused.
she came to the conclusion of asking questions to better assist arteyu. "When did your sneezing spell begin? And do you have any other symptoms with it?" she asked, her voice calm and smooth- tender and caring to her friend. erect ears swiveled, catching the other's words before adding on, "Any relatives with these occurrences?" allergies were often times hereditary. she aimed to gauge the situation at hand with better clarity- thus artery's background was needed. with being wet, arteyu was destined for illness. the sneezing fit was a symptom of a bigger intolerance, but what? her mind pondered for some moments.
wc: 545

"talk" "think"
table by scarlet/art by alo

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1. Scat cat, you're tail's on fire! Alabastrine Shrine 05:20 AM, 07-07-2024 11:14 AM, 07-25-2024