
Too young to feel this old



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
07-11-2024, 10:07 AM
Gwynevere gave Mercury a little smirk and chuckled when he mentioned his preference for raspberries because of the sourness that mixed with their sweetness. There was something almost poetic about a fighter as sweet as Mercury was liking something so sour and sweet. "That's a good choice," she agreed, shifting around the bushes a bit till she found one that was dotted with raspberries and she began to pluck them off and set them into the basket. If they were his favorite she'd make sure they had plenty of them to snack on when they got home. "I know they're one of Briar's top picks for the pastries she makes for the pack's feasts and events so if you haven't tried one of those yet you definitely should. They're very good," she said conversationally while she worked, her tail wagging gently all the while.

It wasn't often that she got herself away from her work to do something as simple as pick berries or just spend time with someone just for the fun of it. It was getting a little easier to get away now that Solaire was coming into his own as a healer and Syanna was back in The Hallows, but sometimes it still took the promise of getting to spend time with someone like Mercury to convince herself she could step away. When the raspberry bush was mostly harvested, she held the last one up to Mercury on the end of one of her claws, offering it to him with a smile. "The summer berries are always the best." There was something about that extra bit of heat and humidity that seemed to make them all the more juicy and delicious.

She moved across to a strawberry bush then and as she sat the basket down to start her collecting again she noticed how Mercury moved with her, the protective Commander naturally falling into guard duty despite the fact that they were still firmly within Hallows land. Maybe some wolves might feel like it was overbearing, but it made her smile. Growing up as the pacifist in a family full of sword wielding, daring warriors, she had learned long ago that protecting someone was their way of showing that they cared. Still, if this was her time to relax then it could be for him too. She stepped a little closer and pressed her shoulder to his as she continued to pull strawberries from their stems and place them in the basket, glancing up at him with a little grin to show that it wasn't a mistake of him accidentally being in the way.

"Gwynevere & Mercury"