
there was an echo, far and faint



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
07-11-2024, 11:36 AM
Oh, fly over me, evil angel;
Why can't I breathe, evil angel?

Oh, how she wondered what had become of her family. If only she could go back and find out. She longed for the day that she could discover what had become of her beloved home. In most ways she was fearless, but the demonic beast responsible for the mass genocide of her pack was one thing she did fear. How many survived? Who survived? She had watched her father and mother get mowed down by that evil pack, the grief still left a bitter taste in her mouth. There were no bodies for the funeral rites, and she was forever severed from her family as a result. That was one of the most painful realities. She would never be reunited with her family in the Summerlands, all because someone cruel had wanted what they had.

Atreyu gave a small smile as the woman responded to her greeting, going on to introduce herself as Ellara. She made sure to commit Ellara's name to memory, giving a motion of her head toward Bigs. "This is Bigs, and I am Atreyu. I am also a healer, and I think new beds are just what the doctor ordered for these guys." She gave a bright smile to her fellow healer, though Bigs gave a twitch of his nose in Ellara's direction. 'We'll see...' He said simply, keeping his tone neutral so that he didn't offend anyone. The pair followed Ellara to a tangled crop of feverfew, watching for a moment as the healer began to dig at the plant carefully.

It wasn't every day that Atreyu was willing to get her paws dirty, it took so long to clean under her claws, but she began to help Ellara in her quest for transplanting these herbs. Moving over to a clearer area that looked perfect for growing the herb in question, Atreyu began to dig down into the earth the best she could. Her cat-like claws would certainly need to be sharpened after this. Once she had enough room for the ball of roots to go in, Atreyu looked over to Ellara and smiled. "Is that deep enough? Do I need to fill it in?" She had only ever planted from seeds before. It was a new thing to be transplanting established plants. "We may be in luck, it looks like it might rain soon too!" There was excitement shining in those holographic eyes as she waved her tail to Ellara.

Word count: 406 words.
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: ---

2/3 planted an herb - echinacea / feverfew

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.

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1. there was an echo, far and faint The God's Garden 01:52 PM, 07-09-2024 11:36 AM, 07-17-2024