
All That Glitters


12-14-2013, 04:08 PM
Her legs shake, sending tremors up through her entire body. She can feel her fur rising along her protruded spine, not in aggression, but in fear. She realizes that with her hackles up, it could appear that she was feeling hostile.

Hotaru hardly registers the meaning of the she wolf's words as she spoke, only processing the tone of her voice. The wolf was friendly, as far as Hotaru could tell. The wolf was looked very similar to herself, if going by the color of their fur. She seemed excited, which was not a huge problem, but it made Hotaru antsy. She wondered if this wolf had a pack...and if she did, maybe she could go with her...assuming that this situation was what Hotaru presumed and wasn't going to turn out in a fight which would mean Hotaru would have to run and then her whole journey's pace could be thrown off and she could be set back days at best especially if she is injured and then she could die from the cold or hunger or other predators or wolves....that is of course, assuming that she wouldn't get caught by the bigger wolf.

It takes her a moment to comprehend the actual words of the nice wolf. She blinks in surprise at the stranger's wolf, her mind racing for an answer.

"Y..yes. Today is very...cold, I guess. Which is nice, sort of"

She lowers her head, her ears flattening in a show of submission. The awkwardness she was creating in this situation compresses around her lungs, and cutting off the oxygen. She brings her tail behind her legs, the fur touching her paws. She tries to make herself look as small as possible, which wasn't hard.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I am not here to harm you."

She widens her eyes in horror.

"I mean, not that I COULD harm you, you seem like a very powerful wolf and without a doubt you would be the best compared to me and um, yeah."

She lowers her head even more as she speaks, her nose nearly touching the ground. Her legs bend, and her stomach brushes snow. The icy shock makes her flinch, but she does not go to bring herself higher. If she does or says one thing wrong, it could kill her. She didn't know this wolf, and it unnerved her how friendly she was being. Not that she doesn't like friendly wolves, but she was shocked that a wolf could be so friendly to a mere stranger or possibly assailant.