
Like a good neighbor, the Hallows is there!


Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-11-2024, 05:51 PM

Delphi listened with quiet interest, leaving Ember to wonder what the other girl made of her name's history. Em hadn't ever put a tremendous amount of stock into her name, sometimes finding it fitting for her family and the Hallows, other times wondering if her sire had simply started running out of names when they had eleven kids and just looked into the fireplace a little too long when it got to be her turn. After some time, Delphi smiles, and Ember can relax a little more. She didn't know how to get a read on the young alpha just yet, but she hoped she'd get to know Delphi better the more time they spent working together to improve the relations between their packs. She was determined to make a good showing for the Hallows and help elevate Hemlock.

Ember listens intently with bright eyes as Delphi begins to explain the meaning behind her name with an airy laugh. She can hear the reverence in her voice as she speaks of the homeland of her mother and grandfather, of the dish that her mother craved during her pregnancy and how that had led to the litter's names. A smile slowly spreads across Em's lips as the story goes on. "Well, I'll stick to Delphi then. Although Philadelphia is lovely too," she replied. With a little bit of familiarity established between them—and more to grow over time, she was sure—Ember shifted her focus to the business at hand. "What can you tell me about the state of Hemlock as it is? What sort of challenges are you facing, what are some places that need attention?" If Delphi had a focus or goal she wanted to work on, it might give Em some direction to begin with.

Of course, the young Carpathian had ideas of her own too. "One of the things we do in the Hallows is regular drills and training to help keep our members' skills sharp and expand our knowledge. Do you think your wolves would be keen to receive some lessons from me? I can teach the warriors different fighting techniques, I can show the healers and homemakers methods or drying and storing herbs and food and new recipes for meals. Or if it's a bigger matter of just uniting the pack, we can think up some events to bring everyone together." Em left the air open for Delphi to speak, wondering where the Curator would find the greatest need for her.

"Ember Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.

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1. Like a good neighbor, the Hallows is there! Fenrir's Maw 03:43 AM, 05-24-2024 11:30 AM, 08-08-2024