


12-14-2013, 05:48 PM

The giantess was wandering aimlessly, when a harmony of voices lured her into the depths of these caverns. How strange. The fire furred she knight had never seen something so queer, and yet the lass wanted nothing more than to stay within the dark envelopment and explore it all. Dainty paws made no sound upon the bare stone floor, save for the occasional puddle under a stalactite, which splashed quite loudly. Enormous ivory lined audits swivelled about to capture sounds, and capture they did. A crash of thunder announced the arrival of the storm the dame had been watching earlier, and the downpour that followed was typical of the warm winters within the Eastern lands. Looking to the entrance of the cave, the fae saw no reason to leave in that sort of weather. So she continued her exploring, listening intently as the occasional hymn made its way to her ears. Short ivory dipped tail swung against her hocks while she wandered through the tunnels that led to other caves, finding things she had never seen before. Massive stalactites and stalagmites formed pillars as big around as she was tall, which said quite a bit. In one cave, the next entrance was so small the could barely fit her ebony stained muzzle through it. Yet the tantalizing sound of a gathering of serpents, her favourite snack, forced her to try and get through. Lowering her front half to the ground, the dame wiggled until her cranium was wedged in the hole. Slithering bodies writhed around her jaws, but now she could not open them. A growl rumbled in her chest, and her cranium left the hole as she plopped down on her haunches to ponder a way to get the snakes out. Looking down at her tea cupped ebony paws, the dame saw they could fit through and still have room to move! Not to mention the black stockings that went all the way up her front legs provided perfect camouflage, the slithering mass wouldn't know what was happening until it was too late. Licking her lips, the woman shoved her paw into the hole and scooped around until something wrapped around her wrist and attempted to crush her paw. Bingo. Ripping it from the hole, a tiny python revealed itself to her deep violet pools with a hiss. Biting down on it's neck while it was vulnerable, the woman severed it's head and began to gorge herself on it. She would not be leaving for a while, why not eat what she could while she was here?
