
All good things come to an end



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-11-2024, 11:47 PM
Today was going to be a good day, he just knew it! Not usually one to be up early, Azrael had ventured out from the Syndicate to get some herb harvesting done dangerously close to the Armadan borders and wanted to use the cover of pre-dawn to mask his presence. Hey, it wasn't his fault the woods they'd claimed had a good abundance of herbs! With his surreptitious gardening completed, the violet Saxe brute wandered south through the woods near the tall peaks of the mountains Hemlock had claimed, a satchel full of pilfered herbs hanging from around his neck and a giddy little spring to his step. So far, his day was going swimmingly!

And it would seem that good fortune was only bound to continue. Moving through the woods, a flash of red through the early spring greenery caught his attention, sage eyes snapping in the direction of the movement and peering round tree trunks to spy what he had seen. There it was again! This time, Azrael followed after the unusual color, curiosity getting the best of him. What he found was not what he had been expecting. A young fae, adolescent judging by her youthful features, wandering alone through the woods with a freshly caught hare in her jaws. She was quite lovely to look at with that vivid red fur highlighted by the silvers and blacks that made up the bulk of her coat. Such a lovely looking specimen of wolf. Perhaps his next pet project?

Altering his course so he could follow her from the cover of the trees, Az kept his curious gaze on the girl, watching to see where she'd lead him to. Was she alone? With a group? Why was she out here on her own? He needed more intel before he launched into interacting with her...

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.