
Plot: It’s evening and you come across…

Finch II


Intermediate Healer (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
07-12-2024, 11:53 AM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2024, 11:53 AM by Finch II. Edited 1 time in total.)

It was hard to tell who she had seen amongst the smoke and bustle of the bonfire, but it could have certainly been the wolf he named. Down in Auster, the packs all seemed much closer together - it seemed to make sense that they would attend major festivals like the Hallows' bonfire. In fact, she wondered why Jiro hadn't, but he had seemed perfectly content resting by the glowing stones until she'd literally stumbled into him. Finch glanced around the clearing, taking in the soft light from the runestones. This was a peaceful place. She could see herself losing time here.

"Hattori..." she murmured to herself, committing it to memory. "My family name is Destruction, but there are so many of us now that I could run into one and not quite know how we're related at all," she admitted. It had happened recently, even, with a blue female she'd never seen before in her life. You could throw a stone in Boreas and likely hit a Destruction. But her attention was quickly swayed when he mentioned the different uses for the bamboo, and her eyes lit up once again. His approving tail wags only goaded her on and made her puff up her chest just a touch with pride. A balmy breeze blew through the runestones, ruffling her fur and making her shift slightly on her paws. Yes, she could lose time here, with this handsome young fellow.

Eeeek! He really is handsome! It was, perhaps, the first thought Finch had ever had like it. She was so used to being surrounded by her (mostly female, save Merlin) siblings, sequestered happily in Avalon amongst the sheep and crops. The fact that he seemed interested in what she had to say, babbling on about bamboo, just made her heart pitter patter a little faster. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.

"Oh!" Her eyes went dreamy, thinking about the many different uses for bamboo he rattled off. "That's so smart, really! Traps for hunting, I wouldn't have thought... bamboo can be awfully sharp if you split it at the right angle. And I bet it can be used for splinting limbs, too! You're interested in the healing arts?" BE COOL. BE COOL. She tilted her head as he mentioned having never been to Boreas, and she said shyly: "Well, this is my very first time in Auster. You should come to Avalon some time! I can show you my herb garden."

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1. Plot: It’s evening and you come across… The Runestones 06:53 AM, 06-21-2024 01:57 PM, 10-02-2024