
Night Stalker




Expert Fighter (175)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Dire wolf
07-12-2024, 02:53 PM

Seeing Kintsugi all muddy after her failed ambush was a point of pride to Daemon, like a visual reminder of how she had failed to get the best of him. But despite her initial failure, it seemed the little heiress had not learned her lesson. She didn't run when Daemon warned her to, instead squaring up against him with a puppy growl and determined eyes. Wow, she really was dumb, wasn't she? At almost the same height despite the season between them, it was apparent Daemon was going to be a big boy, and he was not going to show her any mercy. Darika charged at him, and Daemon... Daemon simply held his ground. Blue eyes gleamed with a malicious mischief as he braced his paws and set himself steady, ready to take the impact of her charge.

When Kintsugi ran into him, Daemon shoved his weight forward, using her lighter weight and momentum against her to knock her back and topple her off her paws. Watching Sugi go sprawling back into the slushy snow once more brought a wicked snicker from the boy, who was upon her as fast as he could to give her no chance at recovery. Climbing atop of her was easy as pie, and before she could reorient herself, Daemon was already above her and pressing his large lion paws down into her chest, pinning her down to the wet and muddy earth with a triumphant grin. His tail curled over his back in a dominant display, his facial marking glowing brighter in response to the rush of adrenaline.

"Ha! Easiest fight ever!" declared the prince with a victorious laugh. Kintsugi began to struggle and squirm beneath him, pouting while demanding he let her up. Fat chance of that! Still grinning and knowing he was at the obvious advantage here, Daemon simply lifted his head up to keep it out of the way of Darika's big fluffy lynx paws, which batted uselessly at his chest and neck. "Not until you admit defeat and say you're a Fluffbutt!" he taunted her back, lifting one large lion paw to press down on the side of her head, trying to smush her cheek and face into the snow and mud, knowing how much she disliked getting filthy. "Surrender and I'll let you up. Or keep fighting and there won't be a spot of white left on your coat!"

"Daemon Mendacium"

Warning: Daemon is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Avacyn and Saracyn may enter any of Daemon's threads while he is under 2 years old.
