
My what big tusks you have

Fia, Kintsugi, Daemon



Expert Fighter (175)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Dire wolf
07-12-2024, 02:59 PM

Deimos' call fell on deaf ears as Daemon was already going for the walrus' exposed flippers, wanting to do his part and refusing to be dead weight. He was a Mendacium prince, dammit! He could fight! Snarling and biting at the flipper with all his might, he suddenly became aware of Kintsugi with him in his assault, a little bit of pride swelling in his chest. If Sugi had joined him, then he must've had a good idea! Or so he thought, until his world abruptly and violently began to shift. Suddenly Daemon's paws were no longer on the ground and the boy was dangling in midair. Uh oh...

Before he could fully understand what was happening and do anything to save himself, Daemon felt a surge of momentum flinging him, and then he was airborne. The boy yelped in surprise as he went flying through the air, propelled by the angry walrus flicking him away like swatting a bothersome fly. Tiny paws kicked in the air, and what was probably only a few seconds felt like ages as he was tossed and came crashing down to the beach. His body smacked against the pebbly shore, tumbling a bit before coming to a stop. And then he felt the weight of Kintsugi crash down on top of his belly, knocking the breath from his lungs with a pained ooof! Well, that sucked...

Daemon lay on the beach for a moment just staring up at the cloudy gray sky, his head spinning, back and torso aching, gasping for breath. Fortunately, puppies were bouncy, so he wasn't hurt more than just some bumps and likely a good bruise or two. "Did we kill it...?" he wheezed out when the adults came to collect them, blue eyes looking for Deimos and Fia's approval.

"Daemon Mendacium"

Warning: Daemon is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Avacyn and Saracyn may enter any of Daemon's threads while he is under 2 years old.
