
Mysterious mystery of the world


12-14-2013, 07:46 PM

The blood was dripping from her soft lips. She tore into the rabbit as if its skin was as soft as butter. She pulled the skin back to expose the luscious muscle and tender tissue. Her paws held the body in place as she pulled the skin from rump to head up to give better access to the good for them to shear. It wasn?t much but it was enough for them to enjoy. She pushed her fangs gently against the rabbit back, pulling at the meat as she listened to the youth out her self down. Her fur bristled with the words and she swallowed her meat to speak.

?Weakness is a must from us all you know. It?s what defines us. I enjoy the thrill of battle. The joy of spilling blood and putting those that are below me in their place but just be cause I enjoy such things does not mean I am strong at everything. Your knowledge of herbs is a wonderful skill. Say if I injured myself to the point of severity you could come and fix what was injured. I could not do that on my own. I wouldn?t know the first thing about healing my own wounds. So don?t put yourself down for things you are not able to perform or have no desire for. That?s where others come to help. We are all pieces in a puzzle when it comes to pack life. We all fit where we all belong. And our strength and weakness make us stronger as a unit rather then individuals.? She said with a smile. It was faint. A flicker of her good nature and then gone in an instant. She rarely showed the softer side. Seriousness was demanded of her and she was found of her military discipline.

?I could teach you how to fight. Even just a little knowledge of defense can help you survive. You could maybe teach me about some herbs. Just enough that I could help others enough until we got them to a real healer.? She offered as she took another small mouth full of the rabbit. Her ears perked forward once more as the youth spoke of her parents. Her tail swayed back and forth very slowly in response. She swallowed her mouthful again and licked her lips before speaking once more, ?Epiphron is my aunt. So that makes you my family.? That makes you mine. She thought, and the words of Vyv echoed in her head. Perhaps she felt the same possessiveness when it came to family that her sister did. Maybe not in the same degree but the thoughts were there nonetheless. ?I have come to visit her and my cousin. Perhaps we can convince her to allow you to come with me? maybe to visit your other family and have the opportunity to learn other skills.? She suggested, her tail wagging gently behind her. Was it fate that brought them together? How ironic was it that the first wolf she met on her journey to Seracia was one of her cousins.