
A Wonderful Day For An Autopsy


5 Years
03-11-2013, 06:46 PM
The swamp is where I often found myself, lurking amongst the powerful and unpredictive lizards that resided there. Luckily I had yet to cross paths with one of those trecherous beasts set out for a snack. Surely it would break my leg with one powerful snap of its jaws. I've seen them drag their prey beneath the waters. Despite how much they fought that beast managed to win every time. Lord would I hate to encounter one in one of those types of moods. I'd surely fill my lungs with murky waters and fill it's scaly belly perfectly.

Now, since my old home was burnt to a crisp, and since I've arrived at this here entirely new place I haven't come into contact with Tortuga. Even though that was where I had laid my devotion for so long. At the current moment I had my own issues which caused me to abandon my daughter Xenios. A daughter in which I partially wanted and partially wanted nothing to do with. I was at war with myself. And now I was venturing into a whole new section of the land. Something that was far from similar to the swamp lands in which I resided most of the time. The dried mud that caked my already matted canvas was a tell tale sign of it all.

I almost thought I had been walking for forever until I came across the mouth of a cave. A rather large one at that. Dreary looking to say the least, and another scent toyed with my nostrils, which of course brought that devious little grin to form upon my lips. 'Seems to me like we have a play mate my dear.'His words whispered within my thoughts, and I couldn't agree more with what he said. That crooked, toothy grin remained painted upon my lips as I entered the dark abyss. It took a minute for my eye to adjust but eventually it did. I could hear the others faint words.. ever so slightly toy with the ear drum, sending a train of shivers down my spine. With each step we were growing closer and closer. Adrenaline began to course its way through my veins, damn near making me jittery from excitement.

Being of a smaller stature I was able to walk with such easy masking the sound of the pads of my paws thudding against the rough cave flooring, when finally the other fell into my vision. I took in his rugged outer layer, taking note of the bones that lay before him. His masculine bodice laid flat upon the ground and I couldn't help but chuckle aloud.

"Now now, don't we look bored."

I most certainly was the prettiest little bitch out there, that once white pelt coated in mud, matted up here and there. Certainly wasn't one to take care of my personal appearance. I was missing my right ear, and my right eye was also blinded by cataracts which did sort of add onto the twisted impression I gave off. Toothy crooked grin never once faltering.

From the corner of my eye I also spotted yet another twisted looking form. Something about the skeletal figure with the rodent seemed vaguely familiar. An invisible brow rose as the diseased looking spoke, its high pitched giggle causing me to squint slightly. It sounded like nails upon a chalk board. How the other dealt with it was beyond me. His very squeakish little voice caused my jaws to clench. I continued to watch the two.. well three... Not saying anything yet, however remained on the defensive side none the less. Something about the plague looking wolf and rodent show before me looked so damned familiar.

OoC- Sorry had to last the last portion on there I had the thread open and didn't realize Banshee posted before me lol!