

All Welcome


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
07-13-2024, 02:12 AM

Sakana heard her. He really heard her. The healer questioned her, asking if it had ever happened when she wasn't under duress and Siduri's brow furrowed. "Well, no..." Was it as simple as that? The earthen wolf suggested that she take the edge off, whatever that meant and Sid gave a little hmmph of contemplation. As she was thinking of how to 'take the edge off,' Sakana continued. Heat flooded the girl's cheeks as he complemented her, calling her "cool." Eeeeee!

Siduri cleared her throat, expression becoming stern for a moment as she tried to figure out what in the hell she was doing. Was he... flirting with her? Should she flirt back? Would flirting be considered trying too hard? Gods...

"I... think you're pretty cool too," the pastel marked fae began. "You're really easy to talk to and being around you makes me feel..." Made her feel what, exactly? They were friends. He had made a promise not to tell anything. So... she'd be honest with him. "Being around you makes me feel really good. It makes me feel important. Special."

There was a mental flashback to when she had kissed him when she was younger. Ugh, how embarrassing... But... Sid was a young woman now, almost fully grown. She had begun to feel urges and attraction and all that mess. Gods above, was she really going to do this?

Siduri slid her smaller frame over Sakana's so that she was seated in front of his belly rather than behind him. Reaching forward, she placed one pink-padded paw upon his cheek, tilting his muzzle just enough so that she could lean forward and place a kiss upon his lips. This was nothing like the peck she'd given him so long ago. It was soft and gentle and she poured all of her emotions into it. Siduri pulled her lips from his, backing away just enough to speak in soft, whisperish tones."Thank you, Sakana... for just being you."
