
The Divine Calling [LUDI CLAIM]



12-14-2013, 08:51 PM
Her mother and family were gone - every one. The yearling would gaze upon the territory, her eyes watching from behind a tree a while away, watching who she knew would be the new alphas. Her head dipped, this familiar territory no longer felt like home. There was nothing for her here - old memories of her own family were just that, memories. And so the girl would pick herself up and turn away, her heart heavy but her feelings for Ludicael were quickly changing. Where she had slowly been closing herself off and wandering further, she now knew that she would not be coming back here. Her heart was elsewhere, but now she had to find it - and so she would leave in order to do so.

Slowly she would step forward, her silvery gaze fixed upon the duo, her tail tucked and her head level. "Excuse me, but I... I don't want to be here anymore. My family is gone." She didn't consider the Destructions family, even though she wished them well in ruling Ludicael. Honestly they seemed to be around more than her own family, they pretty much had it without the title... at least, until her mother all but vanished. "Good luck though, with Ludicael?" She would try her best to be polite, but she had never learned to be very formal. It all made her nervous, she didn't feel comfortable here - and even though it was all in her head, it was strong without that last piece of her family present.