
You own me like whispers in poetry




Expert Navigator (120)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
07-13-2024, 03:20 PM

He led Ignita up the path, her side pressed into his. Her paws suddenly unsteady, as she found her footing, trusting the ground was still there was strange. As he led her up and over the point, she could feel more confident that he was leading her well. That is until he described the test.

How was this about defenses??? Walking a plank? Oh, tighten her core, testing her balance... Hmmm... She reached her paw forward and felt the thick wood. depending on how thick and dry it was would determine if it was brittle or flexible. She wanted to know how old it was, but that wasn't the point here. She'd balanced on plenty of things before.

"Did you forget how tall the scaffolds were in the storage? Or did you only see the wreckage after I fell?" She said with a tease. She hadn't climbed and walked the scaffolding blindfolded though. And she couldn't remember if she lost her balance or if the scaffolding fell apart during her accident.

She carefully pulled herself over the plank, feeling it move under her, secured though. She felt the breeze and it didn't feel like the opening wind wooshing around her over the edge of a cliff, it felt like a breeze that had rustled the trees around her. The palace in the desert of her upbringing had many small nooks and crannies, banisters, and tall ladders. It was an old human settlement that had been built on top of their homes in various ways. Tall wind-catching silos called badgers cooled the adobe houses below. The narrow passages had plenty of planks over them. She saw many of the children below the palace practice climbing on the roofs of the settlement, hopping around, and disappearing into the maze.

One delicate paw steadily found her footing on the plank. She tested it with her weight, placed her other front paw on it, and then shifted her weight side to side to test it.

She pulled herself fully over the plank and felt the shifts. Slowly she placed one paw over the other, feeling the edges of the plank as she carefully walked over it.

The center of the plank started to bow lower and she slowed her pace even more, holding her center and testing her placement. She was calm and steady as she focused. Her imagination ran wild on how high up she could be but a small part of her was telling her that it wasn't the case. He would never put her in that kind of harm's way. He just wouldn't.

The plank wobbled and she clung to it waiting for it to stop, letting her feet move with the board but keep her body level, her tail out.


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Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

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