
The Divine Calling [LUDI CLAIM]


12-14-2013, 09:02 PM

What was fate? The stars had shinned down upon the wolf of destruction. Whose paws did burn the ground beneath her. The fire that boiled in her heart seemed to ignite even further as the song of someone new called from the depths of Ludicael. So, where had the golden bitch gone? Her rage was not quite quenched. She would only feel her fury fizzle out and die with the death of the former Sol of Ludicael and all those that she cared about.

She walked into the territory. Her violet eyes alight with rage as she caught the lingering aroma of Jupitor. Her hairs rose on end for a moment at the thought that the bitch might come back. Her tail slashed angrily behind her. It seemed she had forgotten what it was like to feel free of her rage. What was happiness like? What was tranquility? All she ever consumed was the fire. Would she ever be free of her rage?

She made her way to the duo now standing as the packs heads? She was unsure. Perhaps one had chosen the path to lead while the other stood in the shadows? Which ever she was unsure. She had so much she desired to ask. Wanted to know what the differences would be with this new leadership. Wanted to know if her family could rest easy from the pack.

She made her way towards the two and stood tall. Yet her mother?s manners were still ingrained in her. Regardless if she attempted to dismiss the habits it was simply a matter of muscle memory. Her head was lower then that of the others. Her violet eyes focused on the wolf requesting to leave the pack. Already it seemed the fates were against this new leader. Her tail slashed back and forth and she spoke forward.

?Hello. I am Ameiva Synclair Saxe. My mother is Newt Saxe and your former alpha destroyed everything that I hold dear.? She said mater of fact. The hatred dripped from her lips at the memory that plagued her mind. Her fathers dying breath and her mothers scream. ?You are here to claim this pack in that wolfs absence. Do you plan on ruling it the same as she did?? she asked boldly. Her tail rose with her question and her violet eyes shinned with a deep demand. She wanted to know what this pack would represent now that Jupitor was absent. Would it be better or would it be the same?"