
It's a nice day for a... ghost wedding



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Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
07-13-2024, 07:23 PM
Life has a strange way of making things work out. For so long, Enki had felt lost, unsure of what he should do with his life and then, in his darkest hours, he had found love. They say time heals all wounds and, with the help of love, the broken young man had once again found himself. So, when his deceased mother’s bird had approached him with instructions and day, of course the pale pink man wasn’t going to miss his mother’s wedding for anything in the world.

When the night came that the wedding would take place, Enki gathered his two nieces that had not disappeared with the rest of their family and helped them to get comfortable. Of course, he had approached them before this day and told them about their grandmother and how she had passed before they were born. Over the course of several days, he had told them stories of Recluse, weaving a picture of the woman they had never met so that, when they laid down to sleep tonight, they might be able to find her more easily.

With the two girls settled, he sings them a lullaby that his mother had once sung to him as a pup and one that he has kept to his heart since she had passed. He pours his heart into those softly sung words, tears stinging the back of his eyes as the girls drift off into the deep currents of sleep. Wiping a large paw across his eyes, the man then turns his bright blue gaze over to where his colorful boyfriend waits for him. Stealing a long kiss, he then carefully wraps his larger frame around Tazzy, curling around him in the way that both parties have come to enjoy.

Once he is settled, Enki wonders if he will even be able to sleep tonight and, before he realizes it, darkness has pulled him into slumber.

-Enki enters Somnium-

A thick fog curls around his paws as Enki slowly blinks open his eyes, realizing that he has transitioned into the realm of dreams and he casts his gaze around for Coho and Hag. The two girls wait for him close by and he smiles brightly at them as he uncurls from around Tazzy and stands. Helping his boyfriend up, the men move to where the pups wait and he offers a gentle nuzzle to each child while softly saying, “Are you ready to meet your grandmother?” With that, the group moves through the fog, his mind directing him to go until the thick mist disappears and gives way to enchanting moonlit scene.

The area is huge, with vibrant flowers sprinkling the area. Maybe it is imagination but he sees a white arch, covered with ivy, that the two women stand underneath. Bright blue eyes find his mother’s pale form and his heart squeezes painfully in his chest for a moment as he realizes just how long it has been since the last time he had laid eyes on her. With Tazzy helping him, they herd the girls toward the two women and he approaches them with a bright smile on his lips. Moving to his mother first, he offers her loving nuzzle, kiss on her cheek, and huge hug while he whispers, “I’ve missed you mom. Congratulations!”

Pulling away, he then introduces the rest of the group to her, “Hag, Coho, this is your grandmother, Recluse. Recluse these are your granddaughters. Ghoul started a family. And, Tazzy and I are thinking of starting one ourselves.” Eyes sparkle with happiness as he curls one long leg around his boyfriend’s form, presenting him to his mother as if for her approval. They are surrounded by love and the pale pink man feels fit to burst from the joy he feels. With a chuckle, he allows the woman some time with the pups and his boyfriend (if she wants) and he moves to Sparrow, offering the woman a hug if he wants one. With that, Enki says, “Congratulations. I am grateful that you have both found love; even now.” His words a genuine and filled with happiness at the mysteries that life keeps offering his family.

Once he can pry the girls away from Recluse, Enki moves the group out to where those who are attending the wedding will be sitting and finds a space for them settle in. Until the ceremony begins, he allows the pups to frolic and explore since this is probably their first time doing something like this. Hell, its his first time and he is thankful to be here.

Happiness radiates from Enki as he watches the two women, grateful for second chances and the ability for love transcended even death.

"Enki Klein"