
It's a nice day for a... ghost wedding



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1 Year
07-13-2024, 09:07 PM

Coho hadn’t really been sure what to do with herself lately. With much of her family missing and just her and Hag left, part of her had been afraid to really do anything because, well, what if they go missing too? Still, that doesn’t mean she has stopped living life and she has, in fact, made friends with some ravens. Once the unkindness of ravens had sort of, begrudgingly, adopted her, the girl has found herself enjoying things more because she has someone to watch over her again.

So, when Enki, her uncle, approached her and Hag about meeting their grandmother, Coho was excited to go meet her… until she found out exactly where she is. Uncertain of this whole idea, the pup had gone along with it because, if she really can go see her, then she wants to! The night comes when he brings them together, helping her and her sister get settled in while she thinks about the stuff he has told her of Recluse, trying her absolute best to hold onto that as he sings them to sleep.

-Coho enters Somnium-

Something tickles her nose, pulling her eyes open to find thick tendrils of fog rolling around her form. Casting her gaze around, she finds Hag next to her and Coho excitedly pokes her sister as she exclaims, “Hag! Hag! I think it worked!” Standing, she looks around, uncertain of what they are supposed to do now. Thankfully, Enki and Tazzy show up quickly and she bounds over to them, tail moving a mile a minute as her tongue lolls out the side of her mouth. Together, the group moves through the fog until it just suddenly disappears and gives way to a vast meadow filled with moonlight.

Eyes widen as she looks around, trying to take in everything as the men herd them toward two ladies underneath some kind of arch. Neck swivels as she moves and her paws itch to go run around but she allows herself to be pulled along with the group for now. They stop in front of the pale woman and Enki introduces them and Coho’s head tilts back as her wide eyes take in Recluse. After Enki has greeted her, the small-ish pup bounds up to the woman and slams into her with a bright smile on her lips as she practically shouts, “Hi Grammy! Uncle Enki has told me a lot about you. Will we get to see more of you now? Do you have to stay here all the time?”

Excitedly she chatters, wanting to know more about her grandmother but, all too soon, Enki is dragging them away and her face pulls into scowl because she doesn’t want to leave yet. They move to different place and, as the men settle in, Coho races around the area, enjoying her time here. Soon, an orange-colored lady appears and greets the two women and the curious pup races up to them. Wide emerald eyes inspect the stranger as she ogles the weird wolf she has never seen before and blurts out, “What’re you?” Of course, in her young, naïve mind, she isn’t saying anything rude but, then again, she has never had to ask anyone that either.

"Coho Klein"

As her parents, Cricket and Ghoul may crash any threads that they see fit to, while Coho is a pup