
All good things come to an end



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
07-13-2024, 11:35 PM
Stalking through the underbrush, Azrael followed the girl. Silently, stealthily, moving like a veritable shadow between the trees. She led him right back to her camp, where the remnants of a fire still burned. It was modest and barely functional, but it was sufficient to get a wolf through a night. She clearly had some survival skills taught to her early on, but her young age betrayed her inexperience. From the brush Azrael watched her with curiosity while she skinned and prepared her kill. A quick sampling of the air gave no other scents besides the girl's. No males, no family, no one. She was out here all alone. Poor dear... Didn't she know there were monsters in the woods?

Shifting around the clearing to get a better vantage point on her, Az accidentally rubbed up against the brush and rustled the leaves, cringing with a grimace at the sound he made. He prayed she hadn't heard him. Turns out, she had. Her voice, light and feminine and oh so full of innocence, called out, inviting him to come join her by her fire. Oh, sweet, sweet girl... Far too naive. Far too easy. Putting on his actor mode, Azrael swayed his body back and forth a couple times out of sight to shake up his balance, then stumbled out through the brush into the clearing in a burst of leaves and branches, blinking wide eyed in surprise as he looked around like he'd just fallen out of bed. His sage green eyes immediately met the smoldering amber orange of hers and he gave her a sheepish smile.

"Oh, hello! So sorry to barge through like this! I was out gathering herbs and seem to have gotten turned around out here," he greeted her with a bashful chuckle and light voice, putting on a careful ruse of being the harmless and clueless wanderer lost in the woods. Giving his thick coat a shake to loose it of the twigs and leaves, he stood up and smiled at the girl again with a shy folding of his ears, taking the opportunity to get a real good look at her. Such a lovely coat of red... "That's very kind of you," Az said as he came over to accept her invite to rest by her fire, drawing closer to her until he was seated across the flickering fire from her. "My name's Azrael. What can I call you, kind stranger?"

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.