
Baby, I’m Giving You The Mommy Issues

Scalysia Birth Thread


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

07-14-2024, 12:12 AM

Elysia was happier than she’d thought was possible as she listened to Absinth’s words of approval and encouragement at the birth of her son. ”May he grow to be as handsome and charming as his father too, the perfect blend of us both” she beamed. She looked back down at her son as he suckled happily at her side. ”Saxe’s breed strong stock, I was never worried for his safety. My mother birthed numerous of us monsters” she mused before she laughed at absi’s question about what her children would call her. ” More like Auntie Sin” she looked at Absi Mischievously before giving the monochromatic woman a wink.

Looking back to scald she listened as he offered a strong name. A name she couldn’t help but smirk at. ”Maelstrom Saxe… Maelstrom Fallen… A strong name regardless of the Surname. It suits him” she agreed before placing a delicate kiss to Scalds lips. ”Do you suppose the rest will be just as beautiful? I hope they look like you… My Pretty boy” she flirted shamelessly as another contraction rippled across her abdomen causing her breath to hitch in her throat.

Turning away from scald now she watched as the muscles in her body rippled faster than they had with Maelstrom. These other pups were in a hurry to join their brother.

Ely turned her attention to the healer that scald had brought with him. ”These ones are coming faster, is that normal?” she questioned, unashamed that she had no knowledge on the topic. This was her very first time birthing. And as her mothers youngest litter she had never witnessed a birth before now.

But before she could focus on the woman’s answer the familiar feeling came that meant she needed to push and so she did, the pain was the same as before but it was over sooner this time. Repeating the familiar steps to cleaning off her child she nudged her second child to her side, waiting for it to latch before she checked the sex of it.

”Another Boy!” she mused. Makes were always the favored gender for her family. As they followed the typical patriarchal tradition. She had done good bringing forth two sons so far.

This boy stood out against his brother, with fur as dark as the night sky and covered in pinks and purples that stood out against the darkness of his pelt. But he too carried white across his frame as well as the star-like flecks that reminded her of modesty who sat just outside the den. ”He reminds me of your mother” she said as she looked back towards scald now. She loved that their children looked so colorful like him. ”I think you might be a boy dad” she teased him as two of their children had been boys so far.

She looked back down at her newborn son and tilted her head as she pondered his name. ”Pyxis, He looks like a Pyxis to me” she grinned happily at both of her sons.

"Ely & Ezekiel"
[Image: ElyScarRef1.png?ex=6629b2a2&is=66173da2&...height=872]

Elysia "Ely" Saxe is a Mature 3-3-3 Rated Character. Plot at your own risk.