
It's a nice day for a... ghost wedding



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
Extra small
07-14-2024, 12:44 AM

Hag was less lost than her sister, mostly because she'd never felt fully tethered to her family. Not callously, Hag certainly sometimes wished her parents and siblings were still around. Even sometimes missed doing things with them but she was also less connected to others over all and her curiosity often led her more than the adults in her life. Still, she had at least started to grasp that Coho was less disconnected than she was and in her own way was trying to show her care for her sister. Even if for Hag that meant sometimes just hovering around her sister silently and probably less than comfortably for Coho.

Family was kind of nebulous for Hag and though she understood somewhat what it meant for Enki to be her uncle their relationship felt less real to her than that of her and her parents or siblings. Still it seemed she was going to be learning more about her family still. It had taken a moment to really wrap her head around the idea that her father would have a mother of his own... Whoever the woman was felt even less possible to her than her uncle. But apparently they would be going to see her?

If there was one thing Hag had a grasp on it was death... She was more curious about how they'd be going to see a supposedly dead woman than her relationship to her. Eager to answer this question Hag let herself be bundled up by her uncle and drifted off to sleep next to her sister.


When she next woke it was still next to Coho but her uncle and the rainbow man he was often around were gone. She blinked impossibly big eyes at her sister when Coho began to excitedly exclaim, the barest hint of a tail wag in response. Soon enough Enki and his friend joined them and the tiny girl drifted behind the group, not getting too far back but not eager to be crushed under paw either.

The group seemed to beeline towards a pair of women, one tugging at a feeling of familiarity in the girl. Hag wasn't exactly preoccupied with her own apperance but even she couldn't have missed the similarities she shared with the paler and smaller of the two women. Enki introduced them and as Coho bounced all over the wolf who was evidently their grandmother Hag instead simply stood there, staring. The woman gave her a look of joy but Hag simply canted her head to the side. There did appear to be something otherworldly about the place and the woman before her but she was too busy trying to put the pieces together to do more than watch with unsettling quiet, her gaze drifting over to the other woman as well, curious but unspeaking.

Before they were directed away and while her uncle and the other man settle themselves Coho dashed off. Less inclined to the energy her sister was displaying Hag decided instead to poke around the place, her mind a whirlwind as she tried to puzzle out exactly where they were, and how.

"Hag Klein"

Art by lifamevil